Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My head is about to explode!

I feel like wacking myself on the head! I have been like a ghost from this blog and I am so ashamed!
Life has been so hectic I can't think straight at times! I am so busy with classes and I'm also working, but that's not that bad because I am a "CA" which is kind of like a "RA"(resident's assistant) in my apartment building. It's nice to not have to spend gas money or to find transportation to get to work. Not only do you save money, but you are normally around people that you hang out with or your friends. But don't get me wrong, we do work! We have to clean and monitor the building and deal with any necessary complaints or problems that may arise. It can get boring at times, but we are allowed to do our homework or read during our shifts.
Just juggling all the school workload and my working hours and all my extracurriculars such as Lion Ambassadors can get frustrating at times.
The open house was this past weekend and it just brought back memories of my first time of visiting Penn State York. I actually ran into an old friend from high school! I didn't expect to see anybody from my area but she just popped out of nowhere! And it made me feel so much better to see a friendly face from home. I talked to her after the open house and apparently she loved the campus and she really wants to go here, so job well done PSY!
The whole apartment situation can get a little too much at times. Six girls living together is not a good combination. And to add to the problems, we are all SO different that we never see eye to eye. Problems can occur and sides will be taken and tension will be created. That is the last thing I want for this apartment because we all have to live together. I've learned that if I'm having a bad day or I'm in not so good of a mood, I just go to my room or separate myself by leaving. It helps to have friends outside of your apartment, even the building. But you have to learn to suck it up and to not sweat the small stuff.
well I'll be back soon! Hope all of you are doing well!
We Are Penn State!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

One More Week

Wow time has gone by quickly, only have 7 days left until election day. I can't believe I've been out campaigning since August.

Big events coming up: Thursday the 30th Ed Rendell will be joining us at the York office for some phone calls and canvassing at 1:00 sounds like it will be loads of fun and meeting important people is always good since I'll be in Harrisburg next semester.

Saturday - Tuesday is Get Out The Vote (GOTV). That effort is going to be pretty amazing, the goal is to attempt to talk to all the Obama supporters four times over the course of those four days. We won't leave anyone alone until they can show us the "I voted" sticker Tuesday.

If you're going to do anything during the campaign, now is the time to get involved. If nothing else be sure to go vote on November 4th. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm (although if you're in line by 8:00 you will get to vote.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Doing My To-Do List

Sometimes, I add things to my to-do list that I'm actually in the middle of doing. Sometimes, I add things that I've just completed, just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off. I'll put these recently completed items in strategic places like the top and middle to amp myself up about "all" that I've accomplished.

Dear God, I'm weird aren't I?

I get this nagging feeling when I'm making a to-do list. The feeling comes from all the things that I said I was going to do, but never did and now have forgotten so I CAN'T ADD THEM TO MY LIST! Inevitably, someone comes to me and asks, "Did you get to finish project XYZ? It's due in a nanosecond," and I say, "Oh well, it's on my to-d --- oh, um, actually I forgot that one." How embarrassing. I can't even organize my organization.

Here's two things to add to YOUR to-do lists this week, dear readers:
1. Come to our production of "Talk Radio", a rated R stage play starring yours truly and know some other fantastic people. It's October 28 & 29 at 7 pm at Penn State York's Pullo Theatre. It's free for Penn State students and only $5 for general admission!
2. Come check out our 2nd annual Halloween Party, October 31st, 7-11 pm. We're asking $3 for students and $5 for general admission at the door, all of which goes to help kids with cancer. (Yeah THON) Free pizza, candy, drinks and snacks, plus a brain vibrating sound system.

See? I give you fun things to do so you can happily cross them off once you complete them. If you're going to come to the party though, you may want to add "Find Halloween Costume"to your list. Well! Stop reading blogs! You have work to do!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Classes Next Semester

I can schedule classes in a few days, so I've worked out what I hope to take - just wanted to let you all take a look. Hopefully everything is still available if I schedule at midnight on the 16th. All Political Science/Public policy classes compared to none this semester. It's going to be a lot of fun - albeit a lot of work. I still haven't done my foreign language requirement, so I'm hoping to schedule Spanish over the summer at a community college...I have no interest what so ever in learning a foreign language and am putting it off as long as possible. *Sigh* I hate general education credits. Ah well supposedly going to make me a more well rounded better person. I can't wait for law school!

22 Credits most being upper level courses, we'll see how that goes I might have to drop something to devote extra time to other things, but I'm going to try it. Only have class Monday-Thursday though. Three day weekends!

Public Policy Analysis
Writing in the Social Sciences
Public Administration
The Role of Knowledge in Society (Honors Seminar)
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Engineering – energy and environment
Civil Liberties and Due Process


Monday, October 6, 2008

Voter Registration

Today is the last day to register to vote in PA, so the campaign was out doing registration on campus. I saw one of our field organizers out and decided to jump in and help out. I personally got 7 registrations in about an hour and I know the other two people out doing it got quite a few. Even registered a professor I had last semester (he or she had moved since the last election)!