Greetings to all! I don't know about the rest of you, but my Summer flew by pretty fast. I made a valiant attempt to take two ART class via the World Campus. Unfortunately, I dropped them because they were not as flexible as the previous ones that I took. Never the less, I kept myself busy by working on the basement and finishing my cigar room. It is not completely trimmed out, however it is operational. I just finished a nice CAO maduro and finished reading two journal articles. Hopefully this newly constructed room will help to make my studies a lot more bearable.
I attended a cigar/dinner event in Allentown and met Rocky Patel who is the man behind my most beloved cigars. Rocky invited me to Honduras to check out his entire cigar operation in October. The only paradigm is it is during the week of the Penn State v. Ohio State game. This is more tormenting considering that I already purchased a pair of tickets for the game. Two of my good buddies are the recipients of those tickets. I am also planning on going to the Syracuse and Iowa games. If you haven't been to a game, I strongly encourage you to go to one. There is nothing like getting up to Happy Valley at 8:00 am and cracking beers for a noon game. Beer and eggs are a winning combination for an excellent tailgating experience.
So, what are my plans for this fall? I am taking six hours of internship at York County Prison. This is especially beneficial to me as I am employed there and I can use my work hours as internship hours. On the other hand, it will be challenging because it is hard to write about something that is such the norm. Well, if there is something that I can do well, it's writing BS. It has carried me this far in academia, it can carry me through another semester. I am also taking an 400 level HD FS course. This one should be interesting as I do not have the prerequisite course and it does not have a book. So far, reading the required journal articles are just as lengthy as a chapter. The benefit is not having to pay for a book that is referenced lightly in the course. Time will tell if I really needed the prerequisite course. Oh well, too late for what if's.
I have also had the pleasure of assisting Dr. Christ with some of her Adult Learner open houses. I believe that Dr. Christ is giving pay back for fixing my admissions and such. I never knew that I would enjoy trying to entice others to be part of our campus. Earlier this Summer, I took it upon myself to set up a meeting with local veterans and Penn State-York administrators to discuss why many of these veterans are eligible for educational benefits, yet few of them are taking advantage of them. This meeting was in hopes of enticing them to enter the class room and taking advantage of benefits that these veterans earned. To date, none have enrolled at Penn State-York although several plan on enrolling for the Spring semester. You can lead a horse to water.....well you know the rest.
I was also inducted into the Alpha Sigma Lambda national honor society. This was a very meaningful achievement for me as I never had above a 2.7 GPA in high school. I think that I had a 2.4 my senior year. The induction was meaningful to me in that all of my sacrifices and effort was noticed. I am not one who needs a gold star to keep me driving towards my goal, however a pat on the back and a kick in the ass is needed from time to time. First week down, many more to go. I hope that everyone has a fantastic Fall semester and maximizes their potential.
For the Glory!
1 comment:
Corey, congrats on the honor society! That's awesome. You're right though...summer went by WAY too fast. And you're also right about the football games--nothing like them!
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