Here's a thought to all that have been reading or have just started and/or will read the blog. Would it be a good idea to have interviews and special articles on some of the people who work behind the scenes at Penn State York? I personally think its a good idea and a great way for our current and prospective students to find out more about the entire Penn State York family, rather than just the students or the professors.
I just want to get a quick opinion on this before going ahead. Please comment or let me know in person.
I will be attending and speaking at the Open House at Penn State York this saturday, so am very much looking forward to that! I enjoy speaking about things I love and hence this should be very exciting!
Also the South Asian Club is having an Indian subcontinental cuisine lunch this coming Thursday ( October 29th 2009) where some of us are going to be selling home made food on campus. Last time we did that during Unity Week 2009 in April, the response was just mind blowing and all the food was gone in an hour (or less)!!! We hope for the same this time!! Please try and attend if you can