Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Valley

Hello everyone,
(I forgot to post anything over the summer, shhhh)
It was a fun summer, I worked at Kohl's as usual and was constantly at Paul's house. Then there was the whole excitement over the USS Shiloh (Paul was one of the MIDN on board).
Of course then I had to focus on getting ready for my State College Apartment (if you haven't figured it out already I've transferred to University Park for my last two years)
Today is the third day of classes, we moved into the apartment on Friday so we've slowly become acclimated. Sunday we figured out all of the bus routes and how to get to our classes so that we were all prepared by Monday. My first class today was canceled due to the professor's migraine.
I have two Graduate student for profs this year and four regular professors. My PLSC 014 class has an enrollment of 300 students!!! Luckily the other classes are more normal in size, 20-30 students each.
I'll post pictures of the apartment once we get around to taking them but now I'm off to finish cooking dinner (fried veggies, grilled chicken, and lemon garlic pasta, yummy!)


Sara Hilton, Admissions Counselor said...

Ok, I'm really impressed that you're cooking like that! Good work! And definitely post your pictures of the apartment...can't wait to see them.

I'm glad you're liking UP so far. Different from York, huh?


Sue Sharp said...

Hunter -
It sounds like you are settling in well.

I have been told that when you have a large class if you sit in the front and forget there is anyone behind you it helps.

Keep up the good work on cooking and eating well. That will be very important as the flu season arrives.

HB said...

Thanks :)
So far we've also made Ginger bread and brownies, and we have pretty much every spice imaginable. I keep making mashed potatoes, yummy!
It is different from York but I like it, it's kind of cool to be apart from everything yet at the same time it's the perfect distance because people can still visit. I've put some pictures of the apartment up on facebook if you two want to check them out.
It's actually not too bad having a huge class but I do appreciate my smaller ones, the good thing is that since I have almost all of my gen eds finished at PSY, I can take more of the specific classes with less students in them :)