Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Packing....all over again!

Hey Everyone!
You're probably wondering, "who in the world is this person?!" Well, my name is Parisa, I'm going to be a freshman at PSU York, obviously, and I have been out of the country for the past 6 weeks! I just got back from a long visit to Iran(which is where I'm from,) and eastern Europe.
I don't really have much to say yet, because the whole process of joining the PSU family hasn't started yet.
I'm from McLean, VA, which is about a 2-hour drive from York, so it's not that bad. I'm going to be living at the APEX apartments, so I won't be commuting!
It's funny how I immediately get back from one trip, have to unpack everything from my suitcases, and then immediately pack again into boxes for York! It's so exhausting! I love it!
I'm beyond excited to get to college! I've been ready since my freshman year of high school!
More to come! Hope you all are getting pumped, too!
We are Penn State!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Penn State York, Parisa!

Emily Wenk
Instructor of Information Sciences and Technology

Suzanne Shaffer said...

Hi Parisa!!

Welcome to Penn State York!! Sounds like you are going to bring a wealth of experiences to share with us here! Wonderful!!

Stop by GISTC 209 when you get settled to say hello!

Good luck with the packing and moving to York!!
